Internationell konferens för lärare

Vi är flera som ställer oss frågor om hur utbildning efter Covid 19 kommer att se ut. Skola Hemma diskuterade detta under en konferens den 7 maj, nu belyses ämnet även med en internationell konferens, av lärare, för lärare. Konferensen sker online och är gratis för alla deltagare, lördag den 30 maj kl.14.00-19.00.
Läs mer och anmäl dig här.

The ‘new’ normal for teachers 

Education is essential expertise. 

With the global COVID-19 pandemic causing unprecedented challenges and disruption this is no different. Led by teachers, for teachers, this online conference will explore what the new normal could mean for them. 

  • The way of life for the majority of people has been disrupted because of COVID-19 global pandemic. 
  • The closure of schools since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis has impacted teachers, parents/families, children and the most vulnerable. 
  • Teachers are essential during the crisis, throughout the prolonged interruption, and into recovery. 

Education Post COVID-19

No one can say for sure how long the pandemic crisis will last, or what we will find on the other side. We do know that as a global education community we won’t be returning to the “old” normal. 

So, what is the way forward?

Led by teachers, for teachers.

This free global online conference places the teacher at the heart of the conversation – and the solutions. 

T4 – Global by Design

T4 brings together teachers from around the world for this unique virtual event to share their stories and experiences.

  • Teacher well-being
  • Teacher leadership
  • Teacher technology
  • Teacher collaboration

Register today to hear the most important issues in teaching today.  This is your chance to join thousands of teachers in a online global education event and shape the new normal in education post COVID-19.